I'm not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information. Calvin - It's a Magical World, Bill Waterson Wired's June 2008 edition included an article entitled ' Quiet Please : how Man-made noises may be altering Earth's ecology'. The article focused on the theory put forward by Bernie Krause , a field recording scientist, that nature's soundtrack (biophony) is being adversely affected by a louder human-made cacophony (anthrophony). Krause postulates that the animal kingdom divides the acoustic spectrum so it's inhabitants do not interfere with each other. However, human-made noise is increasingly disrupting this harmony and intrudes on a piece of the spectrum already in use - drowning out natures voice. As an example, Krause summizes that the rapidly declining population of the Yosemite spadefoot toad is due to the noise generated from low-flying military aircraft, performing training exercises in the area. Coyotes and owls are able to home
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